あけましておめでとうございます by myuRanRan · 2015年1月1日 すまない…何も…無い _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):_ あなたの心には、何が残りましたか?いいね! (988)エロいいね! (699)カワいいね! (369)カワバンガ! (775)
裸族さんはじめまして。裸でお花見危険過ぎます…僕の責任ですね( ´-`)
thanks for the hint from 3D to 2D
I helped a lot
we could work together or give me unapista who could buy this type of animation.
if the file does not open
Welcome Mr.PIRACY (maybe).
I saw your work that Pedobear with toilet situation.
Goodjob, and I think this girl’s appearance is likely liked by Japanese.
Japanese anime style 3DCG is difficult.
I felt the trial and error and ingenuity from your work.
I am happy if my work was helped you
It’s difficult to work together , But I will cheer you (´-`)/
good thank you.
( ‘-`)