

  1. Xanicomahen より:

    That good work.

    Did you ever happened to them to make an animated series animation.

    I try to do something similar but I need a little more practice.

  2. Mentlegen より:

    I see you were finally able to lay your hands on SFV!!! I hope you’ll enjoy the game :3

    Don’t get too carried away though, it’s easy to get lost in a game that we love.

    • myuRanRan より:

      Don’t worry.
      If I stop the create cg movie, I’ll starve to death ⁽ ´ཀ`⁾

      • Mentlegen より:

        And no one wishes that to happen. I like to believe you’re almost done, each day means you come closer to it’s completion. And one day we will all see the fruits of your efforts and love it.

  3. hosino より:


    • myuRanRan より:


      • hosino より:


        • myuRanRan より:

          ありがとう⁽ ´-`⁾

  4. Mentlegen より:

    I hope things are still going well for you, both in health and the progress on Liru. However I would very much like to know how far you believe you are with it.

    It’s fair to believe you are done with the translation, correct?

  5. Xenomorph より:

    Everyone keep saying about VR.
    but for porn, it’s cause too expansive performance costs to customers.
    except Real Porn Movies in Streoscopic/VR, I think Prerendered 3D Porn Animations still got a time while before that era comes.

    but sometimes, you have to ready a New World.

    also, skylake’s pcb is little thin and weaker.
    careful on your cooler’s lock-up tensions.

    • myuRanRan より:

      Thank you for various worry ⁽ ´-`⁾ノ
      VR after Liru is completed, I think the attempt to validate, including Unity.

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